In future-oriented industries, many companies are expanding so rapidly, necessary adjustments are sometimes left alone for a long time. If you want to inspire decision-makers to change this with you, better have the right door opener! Ideally one that lands your idea directly on the office desk.
Our task in this case: Create awareness for the Oracle NetSuite enterprise software packages and give sales agents something to talk about on first contact. Our solution: A mailing for based on the concept of sprouting mushrooms for fast-growing companies.
Sound on! What’s in the package? A multifunctional mini speaker for 1001 office and leisure applications with the smartphone!
Our gift and our messsage comes in a practical shipping box. The striking colors transport the recipient into the world of the young, not-so-conventional software brand.
Initial information about the software offer and its key advantages unfolds, as if in dialog with the recipient. Personalized in style, of course!
Off they go! For database connection and shipping logistics, the agency team uses its own specialists. Shipping goes like a charm, synched to the different sales team schedules.